How does it work?
The VELscope® Vx Enhanced Oral Assessment System centers on a handheld scope that is used to help visualize oral tissue abnormalities, including cancer and pre-cancer.
The VELscope® Vx system is used together with the traditional intra and extra-oral head and neck exam. Unlike other adjunctive devices used for oral examinations, VELscope® does not require any dyes or prolonged testing procedures. In fact, a VELscope® exam can be performed in the dentist's office during a routine hygiene exam in about two minutes. The VELscope® handheld device emits a harmless, bright blue light which is used to inspect the mouth and tongue. The device is sensitive to abnormal tissue changes and the distinctive blue-spectrum light causes the soft tissue (oral mucosa) of the mouth to naturally fluoresce. Healthy tissues fluoresce in distinct patterns that may be visibly disrupted when tissue undergoes an abnormal change (which can occur in the oral mucosa for a multitude of reasons,) such as when associated with dysplasia or oral cancer.
New research confirms that the risk factors for oral cancer have been expanded to include the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV16), in addition to tobacco use, frequent and/or excessive alcohol consumption, a compromised immune system, and past history of cancer. VELscope® presents an unprecedented call to action for oral cancer awareness and regular screenings.
The bottom line is this: Dr. Johnson and his conscientious dental team are all about you and you dental health.
The fact that dental health is a harbinger for your overall health means that good dental practices are the "tip of the iceberg" when it comes to healthy living. The addition of VELscope® to our arsenal of tools to help you achieve peak health performance puts us on the "A-LIST" when it comes to caring for the health of you and your family. And we wouldn't want it any other way.